Tuesday, August 23, 2011

He should be seeing a dentist.


This is ridiculous!

Perhaps next time a patient come to me complaining toothache I should ask for the severity of the pain with a new kind of question ;

“is it so painful that you’d thinking of suicide?”

HMetro 23.08.11



arghhhh!!! Tolonglah! Aku tak boleh terima. Unacceptable. Atau mungkin dah takde sebab yang munasabah untuk bunuh diri? Ke aku je yang rasa sakit gigi tu tak munasabah?

Raihan said...

dia bunuh diri sebab lain kot,bkn sbb sakit gigi. tu dia tulis samseng jalani perintah sekatan kes bunuh tu. mungkin dia jadikan sakit gigi sbg alasan je kot utk bunuh diri

Unknown said...

baca paper aritu bini si mati tu ckp dia da sminggu saket gg. haha


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